Hiroko Suzuki

  • 1992



    5.25 1992 HD

    Misonoo Nanako, a professor's daughter, looks forward to her first day at the prestigious Seiran Academy, a girls' school that caters to the rich, or in her case, those with high test scores. She soon finds that the school is polarized by three popular and talented individuals, known as the Magnificent Three. Though Nanako doesn't intend to make waves at this school, when she is tabbed to be a member of the Sorority, the brutal politics that run beneath the surface of the school's sophisticated veneer soon turn Nanako's world into one where she is unsure of her friends, her enemies, and her very identity... The only way she can vent her emotions is through her correspondence letters to a man she calls her "Dear Brother".

  • 2005



    6.0 2005 HD

    With $10 billion worth of beauty (or so she says), Sakurano Tazusa is a contestant for the selection of the Japanese representative at the winter Olympics' figure skating competition. However, her ability is questionable in the eyes of the media and public, as she constantly falls during critical moments in her competitions. During a particular fall, at the same time, a Canadian teen by the name of Pete Pumps perishes as an accident occurs during an air stunt. Before being allowed to pass on into the after life, Pete possess' Tazusa supposedly for a hundred days, living on in her body. Despite the discontent and anger Tazusa faced having her body and privacy invaded by this Canadian ghost, she moves her focus onto improving herself in hopes to be selected for the Olympics.

  • 1989



    8.625 1989 HD

    The anime starts with Wendy having a dream about Peter Pan rescuing her and having a sword fight with Captain Hook. Wendy and her two brothers later on the episode go to Never Never land and Wendy becomes the 'mother' of the Lost boys. Throughout the series a romance blooms between Peter and Wendy as they go on fights with pirates . The last half of the series go to a different direction then the original story line and also introduce a new character ( Princess Luna ) who becomes an important part of the last episodes.

  • 1978



    7.943 1978 HD

    Remi lives with his mother in a French village. His father, Barberin, works in Paris. When he returns wounded and hard-hearted, Remi discovers he is actually a foundling. Barberin sells Remi to a traveling artist, Vitalis, and his animals troop. Heart-broken Remi leaves his home to face the hardships of a traveling artist's life. In Vitalis Remi finds the father he lacks. On his way Remi meets a kind rich woman and her sick son, who are actually his real mother and brother. Though life with them is nice, Remi, not knowing the truth, chooses to leave with Vitalis. Tragedies strike one after another to leave Remi alone with the faithful dog Capi. Between staying with a family of gardeners, where he gets attached to the youngest mute daughter Lise, and traveling with his best friend Mattia, earning his living by playing the harp, Remi searches for a place in life... Until he discovers his real parents may be alive, and undertakes a perilous journey to London in search of his family.
